The must-read stories of the people, places, creativity and events from the New England and NSW North Coast.

Road Trip, People Steph Wanless Road Trip, People Steph Wanless

The Croissant Queen

Carole Hollebrandse, tragic Francophile and dedicated consumer of pastries and chocolate, couldn’t knock back this gig. Though as a former teacher, she had to give us a lesson on the origins of the croissant – which apparently was in Austria in the 13th century when they were called kipferl and were denser than today’s version.

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People FOUND Regional People FOUND Regional

Meet the author

Rebecca Campbell describes herself as a reader, a writer, a lover and a fighter. She’s also a cook, a scientist and a little bit punk. As for her drink of choice? That’s a martini, dirty, just like her sex scenes. Here, she speaks with FOUND Regional about how her career as a contemporary romance novelist began… 

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People, Small Business Steph Wanless People, Small Business Steph Wanless

In conversation with Deb Cartledge

Deb Cartledge, owner of Fika Home and Living (formally The New England Collective) has always loved colour. While her story started with earrings – unique designs bursting with fun known as Pinot Cat Designs – the latest chapter reveals something much bigger, brighter and bolder in a beautiful new space she’s proud to bring to the people of Armidale, NSW.

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Things to Do Meg Miller Things to Do Meg Miller

5 memorable Mother’s Day moments in the new england

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, now’s the time to plan the perfect way to show your mum just how much she means to you. Keen to make this a day to remember? Check out our top five fun and creative experiences to spoil your mum with – from workshops to spas, wineries to day trips, we’ve got you covered.

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